
The initiative is an inspirational reimagining of the liberal arts in which the humanities, social sciences and STEM disciplines work in synergy. We aim to serve as a bridge between disciplines and to open space for interdisciplinary making and doing.


Interdisciplinary Making Curricular Enhancement Grant

The 设计思考 Initiative AY 2023/24 Call for Proposals
Application deadline: July 23, 2023        
Notification of grant recipients: July 30, 2023

邮箱:Emily Norton enorton@onenightofneil.com with questions or 讨论 ideas.

With the launch of the new Interdisciplinary Making Concentration (IMX) in the fall of 2023, the 设计思考 Initiative (DTI) and the co-directors of IMX are excited to invite proposals for bringing makers to campus. We encourage an expansive understanding of making. We welcome proposals from all disciplines, and are especially interested in supporting proposals from disciplines that may not traditionally incorporate making. We see this as an opportunity to build a public workshop series that is embedded within the curriculum. Are there hands-on techniques that would help students explore topics in your course? Is there a practitioner whose work could animate core concepts in your curriculum? 如果是这样的话, we are eager to work with you to bring a guest to offer a lecture/workshop for your students and the Smith community. We welcome half-formed thoughts and are available to help develop your ideas.


我们将奖励1美元,250 each to four proposals to bring a maker to campus in fall ’23 for a lecture/workshop for both students in your class/department and open the campus community. To apply, complete and submit an 申请表 不迟于2023年7月23日. The application will ask you for:

  • Your information and information on the course within which this lecture/workshop would happen.
  • 学期的时间安排.
  • A written description of the lecture/workshop, 你想带的客人, and how you imagine the intervention will enhance your curriculum.  
  • 预算提案. 
  • A summary of the support you will need. 


All requests for fall 2024 must be made by August 2, 2024, using the forms hyperlinked below. Requests will be accommodated based on availability of resources, and you will be notified by August 5, 2024, if your course support is confirmed.

Guest lecture(s) and/or workshop(s)

We are available to visit courses to introduce the theory and practice of 以人为中心的设计 or design-related concepts and methodologies through lectures and/or workshop(s). Examples of this have included; an introduction to 以人为中心的设计 for courses considering the built environment or experience design; a series of workshops introducing students to the power of making their ideas tangible through prototyping; a series of workshops introducing design principles and techniques for modeling, 映射, 或者将概念可视化. 请填写 这种形式 to request 这种形式 of course support and 和艾米丽安排一次极速变身 讨论.

Use of the classroom at DTI (Capen Annex)

Classes that integrate design or making in some way into their curriculum or could benefit from our flexible design thinking classroom (moveable and adjustable height tables, 白板, 便签, 标记, and access to many lo-fi-making supplies). 请填写 这个Google表单 和电子邮件 capenannex@onenightofneil.com 提醒我们你的要求 for the use of CA101. The room functions best at a max of 16 students but can squeeze 20 (not that comfortably). You can always check our classroom use calendar posted on our 主页 to check availability or search ‘The 设计思考 Initiative’ in Google calendar.  


If you need supplies for simple making activities that can take place in your own classroom or to support a class project beyond use of Capen Annex please fill out 这个Google表单 和电子邮件 capenannex@onenightofneil.com 提醒我们这个请求. We can’t promise everything requested, but might suggest alternative supplies more readily available to us. The confirmation email will indicate where to pick your supplies up in the 'Pick-Up' bin at the entrance to Capen Annex. That same confirmation email will indicate which tools we expect to be returned to DTI by the end of the semester. If you’re not sure what supplies or materials you might need for an intended project simply schedule a meeting with Kathy and/or Emily 讨论.

Class tour / introduction to DTI 

An introduction to the lasercutter, 乙烯基刀, 3 d打印机, or safety training can help show students the possibilities for making things available to them at DTI. The introduction will include ways that students can work individually to use the equipment. Schedule a tour of the space by filling out 这个Google表单 和发邮件 capenannex@onenightofneil.com 提醒我们你的要求.  

请浏览我们的 工作室 & 小时页面 for more information on our space use policies.


Learn how faculty have engaged with the 设计思考 Initiative and integrated design into their curriculum over the years.
